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:: Thursday, December 18, 2008 ::

i wonder if it's coincidental that one feels nostalgic as the end of the year comes about. well either a coincidence or we just have our brains tuned this way, to look back upon the year and perhaps even the years before to see what the hell we've achieved or failed to achieve.

well i went way past this year and unearthed some photos and stuff from backup cds i had hidden somewhere in my room. alas, a lot of the older pictures were corrupted so i am now on a personal endeavor to unearth my past. 

anyway i found this from way back and yes i've been looking for this article since forever, here it is.

SEPT 24, 2003 
'Teechr, why do we nee spling lsons?' 
By Alfred Lee 

LNDOON - It deosn't mttaer in waht odrer the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny ipmoertnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteres are in the rghit pclae, aoccdrnig to Birtsih rscheerechs. 

The ltteres 'inside' the wrod can be jmulbed up, but you can siltl raed it wouthit a porbelm. 

The reason: the amazing agility of the human brain to decipher jumbled letters inside a word. 

As shown in the first two sentences, once the first and last letters are in place, the brain is able to speedily decode the mess based on words it is familiar with. 

It appears the brain does not read every letter by itself, in order. It reads a word as a whole and then, faster than any computer, tells the reader what the word is, or should be. 

This particular form of mental gymnastics is the latest craze to hit the Internet. Examples of what appears initially to be just gobbledygook are hitting websites, and are being sent in thousands of e-mail messages. 

Nobody knows how it started although it is not a new discovery. A British psychology student wrote a PhD thesis on it 27 years ago. 

Dr Graham Rawlinson, now aged 54, said: 'I am amazed that findings from my thesis have come up after all these years... 

'My findings indicate that people have some kind of computer processor in their brains which can pick up letters in a word and sort them out in the proper order instantly, to conform with words they have seen before.' 

Dr Rosaleen McCarthy, a neuro-psychology lecturer at Britain's Cambridge University, attributes this ability to the fusiform gyrus, which lies in the left part of the brain. 

She said: 'Our brains are probably even better and more adept and more sophisticated than Dr Rawlinson has found. 

'It may not be even absolutely critical that the first and last letters are in place and certainly, the brain can figure out words even if letters are missing. 

'The brain wants to find the meaning of a sentence, not its phonetics.' 

So, students may ask: 'Teechr, why do we nee spling lsons if you can make sesne of tehse wdros?' 

Headmistress Enid Gillespie of Bevenden English College told The Straits Times: 'The need for classical English will never disappear. 

'Would William Shakespeare ever have written, 'I cmoe to bruy Cesaar, not to parsie him?' ' 

Copyright @ 2003 Singapore Press Holdings. All rights reserved. 

:: kiathy. 2:56 am [+] ::
:: Saturday, August 23, 2008 ::
"That old skill that Obama honed at the Harvard Law Review of listening until everyone at the table felt they had been heard (and agreed with) is coming in handy on his presidential dress rehearsal."



:: kiathy. 9:17 am [+] ::
:: Sunday, June 29, 2008 ::
In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.

Robert Frost.

:: kiathy. 10:05 pm [+] ::
:: Monday, June 23, 2008 ::
sounds like a hollywood flick.

June 23, 2008

ATM fully 'withdrawn'
KUALA LUMPUR - An ATM machine was 'excavated' from a petrol station in Jalan Klang Lama, here, on Sunday morning.
A man driving an excavator had pulled up at the station at 5.30am and a worker on duty thought he wanted to fill the machine up with fuel.
When the man suddenly drove the excavator into the glass door, he ran into a room inside the station to hide and only emerged after the theft was over.
Using the articulated arm and bucket of the excavator, the thief managed to tow away the ATM machine, said Brickfields OCPD Asst Comm Wan Abdul Bari.
ACP Wan said the CCTV camera in the station did not capture the event as it was aimed at the cash register.
Police are still trying to find out how much money was lost as the bank had yet to disclose the amount kept in the machine.
'We are still looking for the excavator and ATM machine,' ACP Wan added. -- The Star/ANN.

:: kiathy. 2:04 pm [+] ::
:: Monday, June 09, 2008 ::
Posted by Picasa

:: kiathy. 11:04 pm [+] ::
Posted by Picasa

:: kiathy. 10:36 pm [+] ::
:: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 ::
my brother got gastric flu last week, and i got it this week.


:: kiathy. 11:27 am [+] ::
:: Tuesday, May 13, 2008 ::
work, work.

:: kiathy. 1:06 am [+] ::
:: Sunday, May 11, 2008 ::

this is really queer and i'm some some tech blogs have picked up on it but there's like an auto-youtube-link block on msn. none of my messages which included http://www.youtube.com got through to the other side.



:: kiathy. 2:09 am [+] ::
:: Saturday, May 10, 2008 ::
.people i actually talk to. is now down to 10. it was 13 in october 2007. oh well.

i had a super vivid 3-part dream - i haven't had vivid dreams in a while.

part 1.

it started off in a classroom with quite a few people. i was there as some speaker and i was telling the group of people that 'this is the cure for the virus that has kept us as 2nd class for so long.' in the dream i was part of a lower caste of people and there were an upper class ruling us, with some sort of virus in our bodies. (it's very orwellian like 1984, which i happened to read about a month ago, and i was part of the proles with our masters being the party i think).

and i had the cure in my hands. it was discovered by a professor who looked totally like my hongkong friend, cannon (yes that's his name) i met on exchange, and then we realised that there was a problem. the scene that played out went

cannon: i'm afraid there might be a problem with the cure, i was caught by one of the masters in the toilet.

and it turned out that he was caught because he showed emotions by humming one of sambiesta's samba tracks, samba duro, when he was pooping in the toilet because he was happy he found the cure. and apparently a show of emotion is illegal in that dream world so they took him.

but they returned him AND the cure to us without doing anything to it. but it turned out that they'd erased his memory as to how to concoct the cure. but he reassured us that it was pretty easy and he just had to keep trying to remember, i can't remember the exact steps but it was mentioned in the dream.

part 2.

the crowd dispersed and then i saw elle and jiahui walking away from the crowd. then i told jiahui 'hey ok meet you later yea i'll go buy some stuff first.' turned out that we were supposed to be cooking or something. then the scene turned to this giant supermarket, and i ended up not buying anything, but i was there with ujin. i only wanted to buy a bottle of pokka lemon tea, but as i went down the escalator i saw that the queue was too long, and i did actually think bout just sneaking it out by hiding it in my bag. yes tendency to steal even in my dreams. but i saw security guards at the gate so i decided to leave it once i hit the foot of the escalator.

in the end we got checked by the security guards at the door and we got checked for stuff in our bags. then the guy took out this..hair-presser like thing that girls use to straighten their hair and scanned our hair with it. and he said we were not supposed to use hair product, like ujin and i had wax or gel on or something and it was illegal in this country. then he started going on about how 'we understand it's okay to use it in your country but when you're here you're not supposed to use it.' it was then that i realised we were in china. cause he explained as he walked us to a main street and at the main streets the shops were all with chinese signs, and with one prominent bar i remembered saying XIN TIAN DI. so that was queer.

part 3.

in the end ujin disappeared and i walked and then i called jiahui and apologised for not buying anything, but i'd rush down after i was done with something at the airport. i don't know what that something was but when i went to the airport i realised that it was pretty late so i called her and said 'hey i don't think i can go over already, can you come straight to the airport?' she asked if i wanted her to just cook some meatballs on her own and she could bring it down and i agreed. then i bummed into my jc classmate, calista at the airport and we sat at a bench. (i've not seen calista for years). then i called jiahui again and only then did i realise we were gonna catch a flight, cause i said 'i think it's kinda late already our plane leaves in about 40 mins so i think you've gotta rush down. can you take the NEL straight to outram and get to the airport? don't go to dhoby ghaut cause you'd have to change again at city hall if you did that.' and i commented to calista that 'it was her first time taking the train to the airport' cause i had to explain so much to tell her to train down. so i was pretty kancheong but in my mind i thought she only needed 30 mins to get from her stop to the airport. and our flight was for 1230 pm, (which was the time we were supposed to meet for lunch the next day in reality so i guess that's how it ended up in the dream).

the end.


:: kiathy. 12:34 am [+] ::
:: Saturday, April 19, 2008 ::
18th april 2008.

part 1

it was a very cramped staircase, sort of like a square with the middle part empty, but there were like bars surrounding the stairs so that nobody would fall in. so it's basically 4 x what i drew, top view is. top view.

so the stairs were pretty narrow, but as i was going up there was this woman trying to bring a huge blanket down, or a quilt. and she was asking if she could go down, cos you had to squeeze if there were 2 pple walking in different directions. and she asked if her blanket was fine to bring down, cos it was very troublesome to bring it down due to the lack of space.

and i said "oh yea we never disallow anyone from bringing their stuff down."

part 2.

i was lowering a blanket through the bars of the stairs into the middle empty portion to someone who was below, and doing it very slowly bit by bit in case it all fell.

part 3.

there was a tickertape timer, and the tape went round and round in rectangles. i collected them once the ticker pin punched a hole through the tape.


:: kiathy. 9:41 pm [+] ::
:: Friday, April 18, 2008 ::

Research: Remembering dreams may indicate creativity

Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal

People who are creative, imaginative and prone to fantasy are more likely to have vivid dreams at night and to remember them when they wake up, University of Iowa research shows.

David Watson, a professor of psychology in the UI College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, says the more bizarre a dream was, the more likely his subjects were to remember it. Dream recall varied widely, with a few participants remembering a dream every night and others never remembering a dream throughout the three-month study. On average, participants recalled dreams three or four days per week.

He found that neither sleep quality nor length of sleep was associated with dream recall, although students who maintained inconsistent bedtime schedules tended to report slightly more sleep- and dream-related experiences. There also was a slight tendency for "evening people" to remember more of their dreams.

Most significantly, Mr. Watson found individuals who are prone to absorption, imaginativeness, daydreaming and fantasizing are particularly likely to remember their dreams.

"There is a fundamental continuity between how people experience the world during the day and at night," he says. "People who are prone to daydreaming and fantasy have less of a barrier between states of sleep and wakefulness and seem to more easily pass between them."

This study, which appears in the May 2003 issue of the journal "Personality and Individual Differences," represents the largest and most comprehensive analysis of individual differences in dream recall to date. Mr. Watson asked 193 college students to record each morning for 14 weeks what time they woke up, what time they had gone to bed the previous night, whether they had consumed alcohol or caffeine within four hours of bedtime, and whether they remembered any dreams upon waking.


:: kiathy. 1:38 am [+] ::
only read if you're patient. random dreams, no storyline.

kiathy. says (1:25 AM):
i had another weird dream last night but i can't really piece it together
joyce says (1:25 AM):
joyce says (1:25 AM):
kiathy. says (1:25 AM):
im trying to find out why i can remmeber all my dreams
kiathy. says (1:25 AM):
last night i dreamt i was in a tv show or sth
kiathy. says (1:25 AM):
or some ktv
kiathy. says (1:25 AM):
i was part of aband
kiathy. says (1:26 AM):
and the funny thing was, there were 2 bands playing side by side
kiathy. says (1:26 AM):
one band was acoustic, one band was full band
kiathy. says (1:26 AM):
so i went to sing with the acoustic band
kiathy. says (1:26 AM):
i also dreamt there was a cartoon characer talking to me
kiathy. says (1:26 AM):
like mickey mouse
kiathy. says (1:26 AM):
that was in another scene alr.
kiathy. says (1:26 AM):
then i dreamt i went to buy these pants at a shop
kiathy. says (1:26 AM):
i went to try them on
kiathy. says (1:27 AM):
in the end i tried on both pairs of same size
kiathy. says (1:27 AM):
i dono why
kiathy. says (1:27 AM):
and i messed them up
kiathy. says (1:27 AM):
one was old and one was new
kiathy. says (1:27 AM):
but i managed to figure out the old one was torn at the knee
kiathy. says (1:27 AM):
so i took the new one
kiathy. says (1:27 AM):
and my brother went to cut his hair
kiathy. says (1:27 AM):
and my dad said 'ok call him then ask him go home to bathe first'
kiathy. says (1:27 AM):
and so i did
kiathy. says (1:27 AM):
then he very stupidly said 'huh if i go home bathe then yr friends how.'
kiathy. says (1:27 AM):
i think the friends were like, jiakai and co. i dreamt i was at a paris metro.
kiathy. says (1:28 AM):
then i angrily said 'ask them to go with u lah stupid'
kiathy. says (1:28 AM):
and then yaa shit we were at a metro
kiathy. says (1:28 AM):
it wasn'tin paris
kiathy. says (1:28 AM):
there was vanessa and jiakai and i think even you
kiathy. says (1:28 AM):
and then the map was
kiathy. writes (1:28 AM):

kiathy. says (1:28 AM):
we walked to the stop
kiathy. says (1:28 AM):
where we were supposed to go
kiathy. says (1:28 AM):
meet some other pple
kiathy. says (1:28 AM):
then it was like 'see it's so near we didn't even have to take the train'
kiathy. says (1:29 AM):
oh it's cos we had to change trains at that particular stop to go to our next destination
kiathy. says (1:29 AM):
then i suggested just walking
kiathy. says (1:29 AM):
then after that we saw the map, as drawn above
kiathy. says (1:29 AM):
and we decided we couldn't walk to our next destination
kiathy. says (1:29 AM):
cos it was like 'near to jurong' or something
kiathy. says (1:29 AM):
kiathy. says (1:29 AM):
end of dream.
joyce says (1:29 AM):
um ok
joyce says (1:29 AM):
kiathy. says (1:29 AM):
should i post this
kiathy. says (1:29 AM):
do u understand me?
joyce says (1:29 AM):
joyce says (1:29 AM):
joyce says (1:29 AM):
kiathy. says (1:29 AM):
joyce says (1:30 AM):
its just v random stuff right?
joyce says (1:30 AM):
joyce says (1:30 AM):
no storyline
kiathy. says (1:30 AM):


:: kiathy. 1:30 am [+] ::
:: Wednesday, April 16, 2008 ::
last night i sat on top of a giant fish as my team and i went on an adventure. once again we were out to hunt for some people/things. upon reaching the enemies' hide out we went in only to find all of them asleep. so we set up shop and weirdly enough one of our weapons were playing cards, a la gambit from x-men. so i helped 'gambit' arrange his cards out, and they had to be arranged in blackjack, i.e. an ace and a ten/royalcard before they'd carry any explosive charge. but in the deck of cards there were alot of aces and tens, so we had alot of explosives.

once we started firing i realised i didn't have ammo in my rifle. it was an ak 47 or something, someone else threw me a cartridge that couldn't fit my rifle. then i went around to the back of the room and asked everyone else for ammo, but everyone had like 1 or 2 shots left. they said 'we didn't go and buy wad.'


:: kiathy. 8:33 pm [+] ::

rain rain rain rain rain.

:: kiathy. 5:07 pm [+] ::
eating nutella out of a bottle is so going to make me slimmer.

:: kiathy. 4:57 pm [+] ::
through it all, the songs remain the same all these years.

:: kiathy. 12:12 am [+] ::
:: Tuesday, April 15, 2008 ::
just for the record,

i tremendously enjoyed my exchange in barcelona.

and stop asking me why i'm back so early already.

:: kiathy. 10:55 pm [+] ::
:: Sunday, April 13, 2008 ::
i've been home nearly a week, and it's pretty unreal to think this same day last week i was on the plane home from barcelona.

my life has flashed past me this past year.

april in london.

may back home.

june in la/nyc.

july back home.

august school started.

december crazy, good christmas.

january - april barcelona.

and i'm home again, april 2008.

of course it always takes a little suffering/pain to have me in such a pensive mood. but i do think alot all the time anyway, i suppose just not as dark or moody when i'm in a happier mood. which is pretty obvious.

i'm going to be fine in 3 days.

:: kiathy. 5:41 pm [+] ::
my blog posts are now akin to that of a primary school composition titled 'my dreams'.

nä says (2:44 AM):
with pri sch illustration

:: kiathy. 2:44 am [+] ::
i can't remember much of it, but last night i dreamt that someone opened fire at me with a machine gun and totally tried to kill me. thing was i didn't die, but i felt an ache in my body. and i didn't dare move my body cos i knew it'd hurt.

then the guy who fired on me. i wonder if he was my friend. there were 2 guys. they said ok lets go take a walk. and so i gingerly moved my body, looking down at it and thinking that no, i'm not removing my shirt because there're bullets in my body and i don't think i want to see it bleeding. yea and i remember the pain and ache from moving.

another dream was equally bad. to cut a long story short, i received a call along the lines of 'i still love you.' which even in my dream, i didn't believe. well it ended up well, but it was only a dream. i woke up thinking and cursing 'ha ha, very funny, thank You.'

i think i am really. mentally. stressed.


:: kiathy. 2:03 am [+] ::
:: Tuesday, April 08, 2008 ::
back in singapore.

it was really weird being back. the instinct in barcelona was to turn my head towards where english/singlish was heard from. and i've brought that back with me so it's pretty frustrating turning your head umpteen times only to realise that yes, EVERYONE HERE SPOKE ENGLISH/SINGLISH.

upon touchdown my only feeling was 'when can i do a next long trip overseas, perhaps an overseas internship?' no idea why, but im feeling the call of nyc, although i pretty dislike that place. but getting an internship there is no small task so.

finished the book 1984 by george orwell. pretty good read, and Blink by malcolm gladwell too.

i can't stop sneezing, guess the dust has settled in my room. too much of it. bah.

:: kiathy. 3:36 am [+] ::
:: Friday, April 04, 2008 ::
i dreamt i was watching a love story unfold. there was a mute girl and 2 guys. one of the guys was this tall person, the other guy was a bad guy who'd just come out from prison and the girl looked like fann wong. the scene unfolded this way, mr ex-convict met the mute girl and they fell in love, but i think they'd met each other earlier, because in the mute girl's thoughts (which i could hear) she said to herself when she met him that 'from the first time i saw you i fell in love with you i don't know why.' (ala love actually, the portugese girl and the author guy when she spoke in portugese about how happy she was everyday seeing him) and the ex-con said 'well i know you only have good things to say but they can't be heard, but i don't know why too i decided to change once i entered prison, whether it was for you.'

and then they slept together and the next morning the tall guy wanted to punch the ex-con, who was his friend. he wanted to punch him cos of the mute girl, but the girl shielded the ex-con and said 'i have a crush on him AND anyway you cheated on HIM too.'

this is really queer because it'd mean the 2 guys were gays. but in my dreams if i remember rightly, they were best buds. i had thought DURING MY DREAM that she meant that she and the tall guy were together, and the tall guy had cheated on HER anyway so she could cheat on him to go with the ex-con, but the phrase 'anyway you cheated on HIM too.' suggested otherwise.

:: kiathy. 2:59 am [+] ::
:: Monday, March 31, 2008 ::

:: kiathy. 4:11 am [+] ::
:: Sunday, March 30, 2008 ::
I wanna live life and never be cruel
I wanna live life and be good to you

And I wanna fly and never come down
And live my life and have friends around

We never change, do we? no, no
We never learn, do we?

So I wanna live in a wooden house

I wanna live life and always be true
I wanna live life and be good to you

And I wanna fly and never come down
And live my life and have friends around

We never change, do we? No, no
We never learn, do we?

So I wanna live in a wooden house
where making more friends would be easy

Oh, and I don´t have a soul to save
Yes, and I sin every single day

We never change, do we?
We never learn, do we?

So I wanna live in a wooden house
Where making more friends would be easy
I wanna live where the sun comes out ...

:: kiathy. 1:07 am [+] ::
:: Saturday, March 29, 2008 ::
last night i dreamt i met some girl on a plane to somewhere. and then we were talking and she said 'i'm from samba too' and i was like huh but i've never seen you before. she said she was a senior or something, and that she'd be at prac later. so i left it at that thinking that she'd be at prac and we'd talk again later. i wanted to take down her car plate number for don't know what reason but i didn't cos i thought we'd meet again later. it was a small black car, either a jazz or a march.

but my dream never made it to the practice.


:: kiathy. 9:44 pm [+] ::
i'm dreaming of christmas already.

i want to be in new york city at the rockerfeller center with the huge christmas tree. i remember that mostly from home alone which was at least a decade back.

and it has to be snowing.

we'll see.

:: kiathy. 1:51 am [+] ::
another dream from weeks ago. i typed it to someone hence the chat format.

i was back at home
in singapore
and i dreamt that alot of chorale died
in a plane crash
so i woke up crying
and there was jimmy and yc there
dono why
then they were talkin bout jianhao trying to play the piano every week
sort of lik ein a bitchy way
so i wondered why they were bitching bout jiahao
then it became a weird conversation
'ask him to loan one from easyjet when he flys lah'
so that was really weird
but then i was in my old house
and my mum was calling me from downstairs
and i was crying cos of the crazy nightmare
then i went downstairs
and i saw my mum
she was cooking
then i reaslied
shit i should be in barca
and i'd just come home
and i hadn't bought my mum ANYTHING
so i kept apologising
and saying 'why am i here?! i should be in barca. why'd i take the plane ride back yesterday!'
and i kept saying it's ok i think i'll fly back

it's only 700 bucks 1 way
cos in my mind
i knew it was february
and i had another ticket home in april
yea but i knew i was home
i had no idea why
and the only thng that reminded me
that i had to be in barca
was cos i'd come home
without buying clothes for my mum

so i kept telling her ok ok i'll go back to barca

but she asked why i cry
and i told her yea i had anightmare
bout chorale

so then
it became a big blur
i knew i was in a dream
and i told her
and i pinched and slapped myself
cos i usually do that
once i realise im in a dream
and i always wake up
i slapped myself and it didn't hurt
and i was like
fuck this is real
but i thought it was IMPOSSIBLE
cos to be home i'd have had to take the plane right?
and i wouldn't come home
without settling my stuff in barca
like why'd i come home in february
when i had exams and what not
then there was this caped guy in my house
like superman or sth
i think he was irritated by my whining
and then
i otld my mum
ok i don't believe this
i know, i'll call suellen
then i went ot the fone and it didn't work for 3 times
then it turned out my dad switched the numbers around (on the phone)
when i finally got thru, the numbers were still wrong
and dono who answered.
then i woke up.
it's damn scary
do u even understand me


:: kiathy. 1:46 am [+] ::
i shall start chronicling my many vivid dreams.

i had an assignment due today, so i was pretty worried about it and i guess that translated into me dreaming bout it. so i dreamt i handed in the assignment, it was for social entrepreneurship. and then i was supposed to head to zouk that night. but at the last minute sheena chan handed in an assignment in spanish. which was weird considering sheena chan is in singapore and sprouts no spanish. and the assignment was due the day after. and i started swearing and thinking how the hell did i not know there was another assignment due tomorrow.

weirder thing was that sheena wrote about her parents divorcing. which is not true. and the teacher said 'sheena gave me a very sad piece of work.'

then i presented the assignment i handed in, i basically proposed setting up samba schools as shelters for homeless kids. and after i finished, the whole class had their hands up waiting to ask me questions. well it felt more like waiting to shoot me down. but i answered confidently and gave some bullshit about how the school would work. and that was that.

another part of the dream was about me going to church. i went for an easter service here last week. and mehmeh and fatty appeared in the dream, saying 'c'mon you only went to church because of her.' and i argued that it wasn't entirely true.

that was last night.

2 nights ago i dreamt that we went to a beef place. i guess it was the result of going to the beef place in the afternoon. we were in a classroom like setting, and the chef and his wife were in front of us. funny thing was they gave us all the starters and appetizers, and forgot bout the beef until the end. i shared the beef with someone else, can't exactly remember who but yea.

my beef place.

my view, from the side.

what the place was like.

some other night the past week i dreamt i was hunting someone down. and i thought i spotted him and i had a revolver in my hand. and then i drew it and aimed at the guy's head and fired. only to discover he was my colleague. thank god i didn't cock the revolver. yes and i got a scolding for it.

this leads to the general theme of my dreams. for the past months i've always been hunted or been hunting. it's always in a different place but i'm always getting chased to be killed. why oh why.


:: kiathy. 1:43 am [+] ::
:: Thursday, January 10, 2008 ::
photos, if any, are are



:: kiathy. 1:07 am [+] ::

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